FREE 30 Minutes Interview For Home Seller Who Wants To Sell Their Home Faster, Smarter and For The Best Price...
"Want to learn how Castle Hill's Number 1 Agent David Choy can help you sell your property smarter, faster and for better price?"
Discover The Secrets Of How Castle Hill's Number 1 Agent David Choy Helps Home Seller Get The Best Price...
* Advice are based on 3000 + home sold by David Choy in the past 25 years
Frequently Asked Questions
Topics covered in this Interview?
I am not thinking about selling, should I still attend?
What if I am looking for a property to buy?
When will the interview start?
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This Interview Is Perfect For...
![Dad and son](
#1: home seller who are not sure when it will be the best time to sell their properties
![Family Photo](
#2: home seller who want to get their properties sold for the best price
![Mum and Daughter](
#3: home seller who want to learn how to market their properties cost efficiently
Meet Your Presenters...
David Choy is Castle Hill's Number 1 real estate agent
David has successfully sold over 3000 homes in the past 25 years
He has complied his real estate experiences in this short interview to help you sell your property faster, smarter and for better price
Peter Mochrie is one of Australia's leading actors and has enjoyed great success as an actor for over 40 years
Peter is also one of McGrath Top Auctioneers and he is helping many McGrath Top Agents get the best result in their auctions
![Peter Interviews David](
Here's What You'll Learn In This Powerful 30 Minutes Home Seller Interview (FREE):
What kind of properties David can sell for you?
David will tell you what kind of properties he has sold in the past in Castle Hill area, and what results he has helped his past vendors achieve
What does make David Choy different from most of other agents in Castle Hill area?
David Choy will tell you how he can use his unique skill and experience to help his vendor sell their properties successfully
What is the process David Choy used to sell the property for the best price at Castle Hill area?
David Choy will explain the importance of having a professional team, time management skills and marketing knowledge and how these elements can help his vendors sell their properties successfully
How does David help his vendor market their properties to attract the most number of qualified buyer to look at their properties?
David Choy will explain the digital marketing strategy he uses, the print media marketing strategy he use to help his vendor attract the most number of qualified buyer to look at their properties
What are the frustrations home seller have and how to overcome them quickly?
David Choy will tell you the frustration you are going to have if you are going to sell your properties and how to overcome them quickly
What are the websites you need to look at when you try to select the right agent to sell your property?
David Choy will tell you where you need to look at to help you make the right decision to select the right agent to sell your property
Here are the recent testimonials David gets from his past Vendors
![Rate My Agent Vendor 1](
![Rate My Agent Vendor 2](
![Rate My Agent Vendor 3](
Here are the recent testimonials from David's past buyers
![Buyer testmonial 1](
![buyer testmonial 2](
![buyer testmonial 3](
© 2020 David Choy McGrath Castle Hill
DISCLAIMER: Please understand results are not typical. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your property features,
real estate market condition, and the location of your property.